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Scienceware* RiteFlow* Flowmeters
RiteFlow* flowmeters are useful for flow measurements in the lab, process flows in pilot plants, to meter carrier gases in chromatography, indicating and controlling gases in manufacturing processes and for indicating flow rates in pumping or flow systems. Formed from heavy-wall, shock-resistant borosilicate glass, these flowmeters can be used at operating pressures up to 200 psig and maximum temperatures to 121°C (250°F). They feature fused ceramic scales that are accurate to within ±2% of full scale. Repeatability is 0.25%. Uniformly tapered bores have internal rib guides to stabilize the glass, stainless steel or carboloy floats. Flow measurement is taken by reading the center of the float on the universal scale. The number on the scale corresponds to a flow rate for the given fluid on a calibration chart that is supplied. Minimum 10:1 useful flow range with one float, better than 20:1 useful flow range can be obtained using two floats. Flowmeters are available in six sizes and three styles. Unmounted tubes have plain ends, the tubing is connected directly to the top and bottom of the tube. The flowtube can be held in place with a clamp. Maximum pressure is 200 psig, maximum operating temperature is 121°C (250°F).